Association for Union Democracy |
Chicago Women in Trades |
| Coalition of Labor Union Women |
| International Association of Women in Fire and Emergency Services |
| Mujeres Contstructoras, Women Carpenters in Nicaragua |
New York City District Council of Carpenters' Women's Committee |
Nontraditional Employment for Women |
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. |
Pride at Work, LGBT labor and allies |
Sisters in the Building Trades |
Tradeswomen (Oakland, CA) |
State Building & Construction Trades Council of California |
Vermont Works for Women |
United Women Firefighters Association of New York City |
Wider Opportunities for Women |
Women in Engineering, Kate Gleason College of Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology |
Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University |
Carpenters for a Stronger Union records |
Communications Workers of America, Dist. 1 records |
Out in the Union: Gays and Lesbians in the Labor Movement, Miriam Frank Oral History Collection |
United Women Firefighters records |
National Women's Trade Union League |
Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University (includes the Detroit Tradeswomen Oral History Project) |
| The Artisan Baking Center, Long Island City |
| The Consortium for Worker Education, New York City |
| Legal Momentum: The Women's Legal Defense and Education Fund |
| Labor Technical College, New York City District Council of Carpenters |
| National Organization for Women (NOW) |
| New Labor Forum |
| Union Women's Summer Schools |
| Women on the Job |
Brenda Berkman, printmaker |
Her Own Words, source for DVDs, VHS recordings about women in nontraditional careers |
Herstory Writers Workshop, women writing their stories |
Labor Heritage Foundation, promoting the cultural heritage of the American worker through the arts |
Marty Pottenger, Sister and performance artist; excerpts from her Obie Award-winning City Water Tunnel #3 |
Pride and a Paycheck, articles, poetry, art and stories by tradeswomen |
| Taking the Heat, PBS documentary about NYC's first female firefighters |
Talking History, aural history collection and radio program, University at Albany; includes labor history resources |
Bibliography for Sisters in the Brotherhoods: Working Women Organizing for Equality in New York City. Compiled by author Jane Latour.
Union Women's Bibliographies. Extensive resources for information about labor issues, women and unions, organizing, history, statistics, media, and publications.Compiled by United Association for Labor Education. |
Bernhardt, Debra E. A Pictorial History of Working People in New York City. New York: New York University Press, 2000. Electrician Cynthia Long is one of the individuals profiled in this book.
Copyright 2012
Jane LaTour/Talking History