Program Menu
Aural History Productions
Radio Archive ~ July - December, 2007
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27, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "Only in America: Program 5. Over the Rainbow:
The Story of the Jews Who Created Tin Pan Alley & Hollywood, Part 2"
Segment 1:
Time: 31:38.
Segment 2:
Time: 26:10.
"Only in America" is a documentary series produced by Larry Josephson that
traces the migrations, settlement, lives, and achievements of Jews in America. This segment
of the series, subtitled "Over the Rainbow: The Story of the Jews Who Created
Tin Pan Alley & Hollywood, Part 2" focuses on the role of Jews in Holywood. From the producer's description: "Louis B. Mayer, Adolph Zukor, Samuel Goldwyn and other immigrant Jews created Hollywood----from scratch. They spoke little or no English when they arrived, yet these Jewish "moguls" distilled small town Protestant culture, like Dorothy's Kansas, and fed it back to Protestant America, creating an American mythology in the process. In the late '40s and '50s the blacklist, with its antisemitic overtones, descended upon Hollywood, setting friend against friend. The story is told using a mix of oral histories, archival sound, interviews, and movie music and clips. "
2: "From the Archives: 'A Time for Choosing' ~ Ronald Reagan's Televised Address on Behalf of Barry Goldwater (1964)."
Time: 27:51.
Ronald Reagan delivered this televised address in support of Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater on October 27, 1964. The speech summarized many of the ideas and ideals Reagan promoted while in the employ of General Electric and reflected his fundamental beliefs -- beliefs that led him out of the Democratic Party and into the Republic party. This often delivered speech, according to many scholars, helped forge Reagan's reputation as one of the staunch advocates of conservative Republicanism. For a transcript of the speech, see: http://www.nationalcenter.org/ReaganChoosing1964.html.
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20, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "The Native American Occupation of Alcatraz, 1969-1971."
Segment 1:
Time: 24:42. Segment 2:
Time: 23.27.
From the Circle A Radio Collective, KBOO Community Radio, Portland, Oregon, we bring you "The Native American Occupation of Alcatraz." The 19-month occupation, which began began on Nov. 20, 1969, and lasted until June 11, 1971, involved around one hundred Native Americanz from numerous North American tribes. It was one of the major catalysts of the American Indian movement of the later 1960s and early 1970s, forging a sense of identity and militancy that led to a national, hemispheric-wide, and international movement of indegenous peoples. In this documentary, veterans of the Alcatraz movement speak about their recollections of the occupation; their voices are complemented by broadcasts from Indian Land Radio, as well as other recordings made during the occupation. For more information about the occupation, see the various resource pages -- and teacher's guide -- at the PBS "Alcatraz is Not an Island" documentary Web site at: http://www.pbs.org/itvs/alcatrazisnotanisland/.
2: "From the Archives: William Howard Taft on War and Peace (1912."
Time: 2:25.
This is one of former President William Howard Taft's classic statements on war and peace. Taft was the only American president to head not only this nation's executive branch, but also its legislative branch. He served as president from 1909 until 1913; he served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1921 until his death in 1930. His public career also included the following: Solicitor General of the United States, federal judge, Governor-General of the Philippines, and Secretary of War. For more of Taft's speeches, see the Vincent Voice Library's collection at Michigan State University [http://vvl.lib.msu.edu/showfindingaid.cfm?findaidid=TaftW]. For more information about Taft's illustrious and variegated public career, see: http://millercenter.virginia.edu/academic/americanpresident/taft
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13, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "Only in America: Program 4. White Christmas:
The Story of the Jews Who Created Tin Pan Alley & Hollywood, Part 1"
Segment 1:
Time: 26:07.
Segment 2:
Time: 31.53.
"Only in America" is a documentary series produced by Larry Josephson that
traces the migrations, settlement, and lives of Jews in America. This segment
of the series, subtitled "White Christmas: The Story of the Jews Who Created
Tin Pan Alley & Hollywood, Part 1" focuses on the role of Jews in the entertainment
industry, including Holywood. From the producer's description: "Irving Berlin
(Israel Baline), the son of a cantor, arrived in New York speaking only
Yiddish. After learning his trade as a song plugger on Tin Pan Alley, he
eventually created the standards of ur-American popular music including
"Easter Parade," "White Christmas" and "God Bless America." George Gershwin
(Jacob Gershowitz) and Harold Arlen (Hyman Arluck), also cantor's sons,
added jazz licks and blues riffs. Dr. Jack Gottlieb and John Lahr offer
many musical examples to show the influence of Yiddish songs and synagogue
music on the work of these classic American songwriters. Philip Roth reads
from his book, 'Operation Shylock.'"
2: "From the Archives: Sammy Davis Jr. (1968) [selection]"
Time: 1:12.
Black (his father), Puerto Rican (his mother), Jewish (converted in 1954),
Republican -- Sammy Davis Jr. was a hard man to pigeon-hole; he crossed
racial, religious, ethnic, and ideological boundaries and never quite
fit into any of the simple categories humans construct to sort each other
out -- which may have contributed to his many bouts with depression. Here
is one of his signature songs, perhaps expressing the frustrations of
a man who simply sought to "be me." For a short biography of Sammy Davis
Jr., go to: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/sammydavis.html.
~ ~ ~ ~
2: "From the Archives: Norman Thomas on . . . (1963)"
Time: 3:48.
Here are a few selections from a July 1963 interview with American Socialist
party leader and six-time presidential candidate Norman Thomas. Thomas
offers his opinions on Kennedy, Civil Rights, foreign aid, and more.
As a pacifist and anti-Stalinist socialist, Thomas was often called
upon to offer his views on the Soviet Union, on U.S. foreign policy,
and on domestic issues -- as he did here. For additional information
about Thomas, see: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAthomas.htm.
~ ~ ~ ~
November 28, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "Only in America: Three Hundred and Fifty Years
of the American Jewish Experience (Part 3) ~ The Streets Were Paved with
Gold, Part II (Becoming Americans)."
Part 1:
Time: 27:49.
Part 2:
Time: 30.10.
"Only in America" is a documentary series produced by Larry Josephson that traces the migrations, settlement, and lives of Jews in America. This segment of the series, subtitled "Becoming Americans," is the second in an examination of the East European immigrant Jews who settled in the Lower East Side of New York City. Stories are told -- as in previous segments -- using a montage of oral histories, readings of primary source documents, and music from the period.
Segment 2: "From the Archives: Emily Post's Etiquette (1922; 2007) [selection]"
Time: 4:46. Emily Post (1873-1960) for her work in outlining the rules and rituals of "proper etiquette." Although she wrote travel books, novels, and contributed articles to Harper's, Thh Century, and many other American magazines -- on various topics, ranging from architecture to fiction -- it was in the realm of social etiquette that she really made her mark. Her most famous work, published in 1922, was titled Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home), and has been updated and republished countless times since the decade it appeared. This reading, from LibriVox, comes from chapter 24 of the book -- a chapter that focuses on the rituals and proper behavior surrounding death, bereavement, and funerals.
For the full text of Etiquette, go to: http://womenshistory.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.bartleby.com/95/. To listen to the full reading of chapter 24 -- and other chapters -- go to the LibriVox site, at: http://librivox.org/etiquette-in-society-in-business-in-politics-and-at-home-by-emily-post/.
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21, 2007 [Thanksgiving Special: Show Encores from 2002.] Segment
1: "Yiddish Radio Project: 'Round the Family Table."
Time: 12:45.
The seventh of a series of programs produced by Dave Isay, Henry Sapoznik,
and Yair Reiner focusing on the golden age of Yiddish radio in the 1930s
to the 1950s. 'Round trhe Family Table was the creation of Yiddish
playwright, actor, and linguist Nahum Stutchkoff (1893-1965). This is
a sample of his work. Round the Family Table, as described by the
producers of this restored and translated episode, "portrayed a different
fictional Jewish family struggling to adapt to life in America. Only 26
episodes from his long-running series Bei Tate-mames Tish (Round
the Family Table) survive. These recordings are as close as we'll
ever get to hearing what life was like in the tenements of New York City
in the 1930s and '40s."
2: "Yiddish Radio Project: Levine and His Flying Machine."
Time: 11:21.
The eighth of a series of programs produced by Dave Isay, Henry Sapoznik,
and Yair Reiner focusing on the golden age of Yiddish radio in the 1930s
to the 1950s. This segment tells the story of Charles A. Levine, the first
man to cross the Atlantic in an airplane as a passenger.
3: Yiddish Radio Project: The Jewish Philosopher."
Time: 12:14.
The ninth of a series of programs produced by Dave Isay, Henry Sapoznik,
and Yair Reiner focusing on the golden age of Yiddish radio in the 1930s
to the 1950s. C. Israel Lutsky, the "The Jewish Philosopher," broadcast
over station WEVD in the late 1940s and 1950s, and offered daily advice
to listeners seeking his opinions on a variety of personal issues. This
is the story of Lutsky and his show.
4: "Yiddish Radio Project: Victor Packer."
Time: 12:20.
The tenth of a series of programs produced by Dave Isay, Henry Sapoznik,
and Yair Reiner focusing on the golden age of Yiddish radio in the 1930s
to the 1950s. From the producers' summary: "From the late-1930s to 1942,
Victor Packer served as Jewish Program Director of Brooklyn's low-budget
station WLTH. The title and function don't sound unusual until you listen
to the discs in Packer's collection and begin to realize that Packer was
WLTH's Jewish division. His charge: to fill -- as writer, director, host,
and anything else necessary -- four hours of radio a day in 15-minute
increments, each distinct from the last. . . . An avant-garde poet turned
programming director, Victor Packer experimented with every genre imaginable
in a desperate attempt to fill his four-hour slot."
5: "Yiddish Radio Project: Seymour Rexite."
Time: 6:19.
The final segment of the NPR series of programs produced by Dave Isay,
Henry Sapoznik, and Yair Reiner focusing on the golden age of Yiddish
radio in the 1930s to the 1950s. This segment looks at the work and career
of Yiddish crooning sensation Seymour Rexite. As summarized by the producers,
Rexite "starred on 18 half-hour radio shows a week. At its outset his
career comprised an all-Jewish repertoire that spanned from liturgical
song to Yiddish popular music. But when he took to the Yiddish airwaves,
the bill of fare diversified. Whatever song happened to be popular on
American radio, his wife, Miriam Kressyn, translated into Yiddish and
Rexite sang on one of his shows. He feared nothing, sang everything, and
stayed on the air for the better part of five decades."
~ ~ ~
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: Arthur Goldberg (1961)"
Time: 6:55.
Labor lawyer, U.S. Secretary of Labor (1961-1962) under John F. Kennedy,
Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court (1962-1965), and
United States Ambassador to the United Nations (1965-1968), arthur Goldberg
had a long and distinguised career in government. Here, we present an
excerpt from a 1961 interview in which Goldberg explains his labor mediation
work as John F. Kennedy's Secretary of Labor, and his reputation as
an honest broker. For more information about Goldberg, see: http://goldberg.law.northwestern.edu/mainpages/bio.htm.
~ ~ ~ ~
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: Alexander Kerensky (1963)"
Time: 3:48.
Alexander Kerensky, head of the provisional government in Russia just
before the Russian Revolution of October (Nov.) 1917, recalls the events
of those years in this short excerpt from an interview conducted with
him in 1963 . For more information about Kerensky, see: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RUSkerensky.htm.
~ ~ ~ ~
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: Robert Moses on the 1964-65 New York World's Fair."
Time: 4:01.
Robert Moses established a reputation as one of the most influential
and powerful urban planners in the 20th century. He was also one of
the most controversial. Here he describes several problems that he confronted
as head of the New York World's Fair Corporation in these edited excerpts
from a 1965 interview. For more information on Moses' career, see http://www.rpts.tamu.edu/pugsley/Moses.htm.
The best and most comprehesive biography of Moses is Robert Caro's The
Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, 1970).
~ ~ ~ ~
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: Herbert Marcuse (1970)"
Time: 13:34.
Herbert Marcuse was a major intellectual influence on the New Left in
the 1960s and 1970s. Here, we present a portion of a speech he delivered
in October of 1970 at the Ford Hall Forum. The full speech is available
on line at the following Web site: www.marcuse.org/herbert/soundvideo.htm.
Here is a short biography, also from the previous Web site (http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/):
"Herbert Marcuse was born in Berlin on July 19,1898. After completing
his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Freiburg in 1922, he moved to
Berlin, where he worked in the book trade. He returned to Freiburg in
1929 to write a habilitation (professor's dissertation) with Martin
Heidegger. In 1933, since he would not be allowed to complete that project
under the Nazis, Herbert began work at the Frankfurt Institute for Social
Research, a Marxist-oriented think-tank (as we might say today). He
emigrated from Germany that same year, going first to Switzerland, then
the United States, where he became a citizen in 1940. During World War
II he worked for the US Office of Strategic Services (forerunner of
the CIA), analyzing intelligence reports about Germany (1942-45-51).
In 1952 Herbert began a university teaching career as a political theorist,
first at Columbia and Harvard, then at Brandeis from 1954 to 1965, and
finally (already retirement-age), at the University of California, San
Diego. His critiques of capitalist society (especially his 1955 synthesis
of Marx and Freud, Eros and Civilization, and his 1964 book
One-Dimensional Man) resonated with the concerns of the leftist
student movement in the 1960s. Because of his willingness to engage
seriously with (and support) student protesters, Herbert soon became
known as "the father of the new left" (a term he disliked and rejected).
He had many speaking engagements in the US and Europe in the late 1960s
and in the 1970s. He died on July 29, 1979, after suffering a stroke
during a visit to Germany."
~ ~ ~ ~
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: Walter Gropius."
Time: 3:15.
This is a brief selection from a recording that comes to us from the
BBC Archives. Walter Adolph Gropius (1883-1969) was one of the most
famous European-born 20th century architects. He was a great espouser
of functionalist architecture, characterized by simplicit, minimal decorative
elements, and extensive use of glass and reflective surfaces, and was
a central figure in the founding of the Staatliches Bauhaus
(the "Bauhaus" school), a center of German design and architectural
innovation during the Weimar period. The Bauhaus continued to influence
design and architecture long after the Nazi regime closed its doors
in 1933 (they condemned its influence as "architectural socialism.")
Members of the Bauhaus sought to fuse the fine and applied arts, emphasizing
an approach to architecture and furniture/product design that sought
to link abstract design and technology, advocating the basic principle
that form should always derive from function. Walter Gropius, and others
in the Bauhaus, were influenced by the ideas of William Morris and the
Arts and Crafts movement he initiated in England.
When the Nazis came to power in 1933, Gropius -- as a Jew -- fled to
England; he emigrated to the United States in 1937, where he soon joined
the Harvard University faculty as a professor of architecture. For his
new employer he designed the Harvard Graduate Center the following year
(1949) -- and went on to design many more buildings in the United States
and throughout the world, including the American Embassy in Athens (1960),
the University of Baghdad (1961) and the Pan Am Building (1963). For
more information about Gropius, including a bibliography of works about
him and his architectural creations, see: http://www.walter-gropius.de/e/index.shtml.
For more excerpts from interviews with Gropius, go directly to the BBC
4 on-line interview archive at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/interviews/.
Segment 3:
"From the Vault: Langston Hughes interview and recitation."
Time: 26:32.
We bring you the voice and poetry of Langston Hughes in this Pacifica
Archives From the Vault production, featuring a 1963 interview
and excerpts from poetry recitations that were aired during the 1968
Langston Hughes Memorial, broadcast on Pacifica Radio KPFK�Los Angeles
a year after he died. "Langston Hughes, born on February 1st, 1906 published
his first poem The Weary Blues in 1926, and went on to become the poet
laureate of the African American experience. . . . In addition to poetry,
he published fiction, drama, autobiography, and translations. The Academy
of American Poets writes that Hughes is known for his insightful, colorful
portrayals of black life in America from the Twenties through the Sixties
and for his engagement with the world of jazz and the influence it had
on his writing. All in all, the life and work of Langston Hughes that
helped shape the artistic contributions of black America still resonates
today, more than 100 years after his birth." For more information about
From the Vault, and how you can obtain a CD copy of the full
1968 memorial broadcast, as well as how you can help preserve many of
Pacifica Radio Archives' vast audio collection, go to: http://fromthevaultradio.org/home/.
~ ~ ~ ~
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: James Hoffa Testifies at the McClellan Committee
Hearings (1957)."
Time: 2:15.
This brief selection from a recording that comes to us from the Vincent
Voice Library at Michigan State University features the testimony of
James Hoffa before the McClellan Committee. John McClellan, Senator
from Arkansas from 1943 till 1977, as chair of the Senate Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations in the late 1950s (he had taken over
from Senator Joe McCarthy), presided over a series of hearings (variously
referred to as the "McCellan Hearings" and the "Valachi Hearings," devoted
to the investigation of organized crime in America. Robert Kennedy was
the Committee counsel. Part of those hearings involved an investigation
of the ties between organized crime and the Teamsters Union. IN the
course of those hearings, McClellan and other committee members questioned
James Hoffa, then about to take the helm of the union. For more information
about the McClellan Hearings and its investigations of the Teamsters,
see David Scott Witwer, Corruption and Reform in the Teamsters Union
(Univ. of Illinois Press, 2003).
~ ~ ~ ~
4, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "Upton Sinclair on 'Changing America'." (1962
speech; 2007 FTV production)
Part 1:
Time: 29:32.
Part 2:
Time: 28:56.
Pacifica Radio's From the Vault (FTV) is our contributing producer
again this week, bringing to us one of their archival treasures, a speech
by writer and political activist Upton Sinclair. Here is their description
of the program: "Tn 1906, more than a century ago, at the peak of the
gilded age, when fat cats with spats, top hats, and tails ruled the
world - and industry was king - an unlikely champion upset the balance
forever: author Upton Sinclair, who in that year published his novel
The Jungle, a graphic portrait of life in a turn-of-the-century
American meat-packing factory. Although public response to the book
would lead to the establishment of the Pure Food and Drug Act, Sinclair�s
main focus � a demand for workers rights, labor reform, and gender protection
in the workplace � went disappointingly unrealized. Nonetheless, Upton
Sinclair�s contribution to literature and social reform is evidenced
in the life and work of men and women like Rachel Carson, Jessica Mitford,
Ralph Nader, and Pacifca�s own Amy Goodman. Fast forward to 1962. Now
in his eighties, Upton Sinclair took time to lecture on the campus of
Pomona College in California before an audience of college students
whose book reports on The Jungle were likely still fresh in their
minds. Sinclair spoke that day in 1962 with his trademark plainspoken
directness of how each and every human being, as an individual among
the masses � and often standing against seemingly insurmountable odds
� can change a nation, perhaps even the world. This week, on From the
Vault, Pacifica Radio Archives proudly showcases its historic lecture
recording, Upton Sinclair: Changing America, as an important example
of Pacifica Radio�s rich broadcast legacy. From the Vault is presented
as part of the Pacifica Radio Archives Preservation and Access Project."
For more information about Upton Sinclair, see: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Jupton.htm.
For more information about From the Vault, how you can obtain
a CD copy of this recording, and how you can help preserve many of Pacifica
Radio Archives' vast audio collection, go to: http://fromthevaultradio.org/home/.
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: John Stuart Mill On Liberty (1858)."
Time: 4:12.
This selection from one of the classic statements of 19th century liberalism
by John Stuart Mill is still as profound a statement on the rights of
the individual -- and the boundaries of those rights -- as you'll find.
Here, we bring you a reading from chapter 1 of On Liberty,
first published in 1858. The selection is read by David Barnes. To listen
to the entire book, go to: http://librivox.org/on-liberty-by-john-stuart-mill/.
Our thanks to LibriVox for making this recording available to us and
to the world. LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public
domain and post them on the WWW for all to hear. Their goal "is to make
all public domain books available as free audio books." Visit their
Web site for more information about their work and to learn how you
can contribute: librivox.org.
~ ~ ~ ~
20, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "Peace Talks Radio: Ralph J. Bunch - Profile
in Peace. (2007)"
Part 1:
Time: 25:21.
Part 2:
Time: 26:28.
. This documentary comes to us from Peace Talks Radio, a radio
series about peacemaking and nonviolent conflict resolution strategies.
It features a "conversational profile of Ralph Bunche - a sometimes
overlooked African-American who excelled in the world of diplomacy.
Bunche negotiated tirelessly across the globe for the United Nations
for over 25 years after World War 2, winning a Nobel Peace Prize for
peacemaking work in the Middle East and helping to bring independence
from colonial rule to many Africans and Asians." The documentary includes
selections from Bunche's speeches, news reports about Bunche, and conversations
with Bunche's UN colleague and biographer Sir Brian Urquhart, William
Greaves, a filmmaker who produced a PBS documentary on Bunche, Tonya
Covington, a diversity trainer inspired by Bunche, and with Ralph Bunche
Jr., son of the late Ralph Bunche. For more information about Bunche,
see the references to on-line resources about him in last week's segment.
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address
(January 17, 1961)."
Time: 15:38.
Upon President Dwight D. Eisenhower's departure from office, he delivered
this now-classic speech, warning the nation about the temptations and
threats of a bloated and rapidly expanding military-industrial establishment.
As someone who had a distinguished career in military and civilian life,
his speech was especially significant -- and it is as relevant today
as it was when he delivered it in January of 1961. For a transcript
of the entire speech, see: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/ike.htm.
~ ~ ~ ~
Segment 2:
"From the Archives: Ralph Bunche on the Congo Crisis (1963)."
Time: 4:24.
Ralph Johnson Bunche (1903-1971) was an African American scholar and
diplomat who worked for both the U.S. State Department and the United
Nations, achieving the distinction of becoming the first African American
(and the first person of color) to win the Nobel Peace Prize. He won
it in 1950 for his 1949 diplomatic efforts negotiating armistice agreements
between Israel and it surrounding hostile Arab states. Bunche was appointed
Undersecretary-General for Special Political Affairs at the United Nations,
and became involved in some of the most critical international crises
that beset the world in the third quarter of the 20th century. One of
those was the Congo Crisis, which is the subject of these edited excerpts
from his responses to reporters in a March 1963 interview. For more
information about Bunche, see the short biography at: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1950/bunche-bio.html.
More details are also available at the following companion Web site
to the documentary film Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey http://www.ralphbunche.com/,
and especially the following instructional module that accompanies the
Web site: http://www.ralphbunche.com/education/pdf_resources/Bunche_module10.pdf.
For a short summary of the Congo Crisis of 1960-65, see: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/COLDcongo.htm.
~ ~ ~ ~
2: "James H. Meredith on Civil and Human Rights (1966)."
Time: 5:46.
James H. Meredith (1933-) became the first African American to gain admission
to the University of Mississippi. Opposed by state officials, local white
supremacist organizations, and many white students, Meredith obtained
the support of U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy and his brother, President
John F. Kennedy. The two sent in federal marshals to protect Meredith
from violence, but the presence of federal troops and Meredith's courageous
insistence on pressing for his rights to attend the state university,
precipitated riots that led to two deaths and close to two hundred injuries.
Meredith graduated in 1964 from the University of Mississippi, and went
on to obtain a law degree from Columbia University. Not taking the predictable
path of a civil rights activist, Meredity grew increasingly conservative
and joined the Republican Party, making several failed attempts at election
to Congress. Here, in a 1966 interview, Meredith answers reporters' questions
about civil rights struggles in mid-1960s America. For more information
on Meredith, see: http://www.answers.com/topic/james-meredith.
~ ~ ~ ~
August 30, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "From the Vault: Mississippi Freedom Summer/Fannie
Lou Hamer."
Segment 1 ("Mississippi Freedom Summer" ~ 1981):
Time: 30:01.
Segment 3 ("Fannie Lou Hamer Interview" ~ 1965):
Time: 24:35.
"In the summer of 1964, black voters in the southern United States were
to alter forever the oppressive rule that had dominated their lives since
the end of the Civil War� They would march. They would demand. They would
desegregate. They would vote... and some would die... but they would overcome."
This week we bring you another selection from Pacifica Radio Archives'
From The Vault, a 1981 documentary by Earl Ofari Hutchinson titled,
"Mississippi Freedom Summer: A Pacifica Archive Retrospective." The documentary
was funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities. "With
its well-polished presentation, this historic recording explores the political,
economic, and social impact of the Mississippi Freedom movement in 1964,
and substantiates the effect that the movement had on the history of the
United States � how it ultimately stimulated social change." Along with
this documentary is a 1965 interview of Fannie Lou Hamer, conducted by
Colin Edwards in Berkeley, California. In it, "Hamer discusses feminine
Black Power at work in the jungle of Mississippi Democratic Party politics."
2: "Margaret Chase Smith on This I Believe (1953)."
Time: 3:44.
Former senator from Maine Margaret Chase Smith (1987-1995), a moderate
Republican, was the first woman elected to both the U.S. House and the
Senate. She was subsequently nominated for the presidency at the 1964
Republican Convention, a nomination she ultimately lost to conservative
Barry Goldwater. In 1953, she expressed some of her fundamental believes
on Edward R. Murrow's "This I Believe" program. The statement was first
broadcast on October 27, 1953. For more information about Smith, see:
~ ~ ~ ~
23, 2007
Eric Foner: "Abolitionism and the Idea of American Freedom"
Part 1: Real
Time: 19:22.
Part 2:
Time: 22:41.
was pre-empted this week for special programming. Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton
Professor of History at Columbia University and former president of the
Organization of American Historians (OAH), talks about the contributions
that the 19th century Abolitionist Movement made to the development of
American ideas about freedom. Foner is the author of a number of books,
including: Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican
Party Before the Civil War (1970), Tom Paine and Revolutionary America
(1976), Politics and Ideology in the Age of the Civil War (1980), Nothing
But Freedom: Emancipation and Its Legacy (1983), Reconstruction: America's
Unfinished Revolution, 1863�1877 (1988), Freedom's Lawmakers: A Directory
of Black Officeholders During Reconstruction (1993), The Story of American
Freedom (1998), and Who Owns History? Rethinking the Past in a Changing
World (2002). Foner delivered this talk in Elizabethtown, New York, on
August 11, 2002 as part of the John Brown Lives! lecture series. [Recorded,
edited and produced by Talking History ~ University at Albany.]
~ ~ ~ ~
16, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "New Perspectives on Jamestown, Parts 4 and
5." (2007).
Segment 1 (Part 4 ~ "Jamestown: Primer for Pilgrims"):
Time: 28:06.
Segment 3 (Part 5 ~ "Global Jamestown and the Poles"):
Time: 27:51.
We continue and conclude our examination of the history of Jamestown and
the establishment of early Anglo-American settlement in the New World
with the last two episodes of VHF Radio's production New Perspectives
on Jamestown. 4) Jamestown: Primer for Pilgrims:
"Early reports from Jamestown tell of hunger, death, disorder and disappointment.
Plagued though it was, the Jamestown experiment offered lessons in colonization
that contributed to the success of other colonies, including Plymouth.
Edward Winslow, a leader of the Plymouth colony, is known to have read
John Smith's writings on colonization that drew heavily from his experience
at Jamestown. So why does Plymouth get all the ink in history textbooks?
Jamestown's disorderly "Animal House" reputation -- partly due to the
accusatory style of its competing settlers, partly a result of regional
American politics -- led to a loss of status in our national story."
5) Global Jamestown and the Poles: "Captain John Smith
and other English adventurers who settle Jamestown are already "worldly"
men, some of whom have traveled to the ends of the earth. In the context
of the time, Jamestown could be described as a dot on the map in a global
pattern of movement, including Baltic, Mediterranean , and Far Eastern
trade routes. Thus, when skilled labor is needed to develop the colony's
economic potential, the English recruit accomplished tradesmen from wherever
they can find the best: Germans to mine, French to establish wineries,
and Poles to create pitch and potash. Patrick Griffin, James Horn, and
John Radzilowski show how the Polish contribution and experience in Jamestown
highlights the settlement's significance not only as the "Birthplace of
America," but as a symbol of the emerging, complex global world."
Segment 2:
"Judgment of Hans Frank at Nuremberg (1946)."
Time: 7:15.
Hans Frank joined the Nazi Party in 1927, and became a member of the
Reichstag in 1930. In 1933, he was appointed the Bavarian State Minister
of Justice and later that year was made a Reichsleiter of the Nazi Party
in charge of Legal Affairs. In that same year Frank was selected President
of the Academy of German Law. After World War II began, Frank was appointed
Chief Civil Administration Officer for occupied Polish territory and
soon afterwards -- on October 12th, 1939 -- Governor General of the
occupied Polish territory. Under his harsh administration, Polish opposition
was crushed, summary executions became widespread, and the concentration
camp system was established with the construction of Treblinka and Maydanek.
Frank was one of 160 Nazi leaders who were tried for war crimes in the
Nuremberg Trials (1945-1949). On October 1, 1946, at the end of the
first series of trials, he was convicted on two of the three charges
brought against him: "war crimes" (including abuse of prisoners of war,
use of slave labor, and utilization of outlawed weapons) and "crimes
against humanity" (genocide). Soon afterward, he was executed for his
crimes. Here, in this edited selection, the primary U.S. judge who served
at Nuremberg, Pennsylvania law professor Francis B. Biddle, who had
earlier served at FDR's Attorney General, offers the court's judgment
on Frank. For more information on the Nuremberg trials, see: http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/nuremberg.htm.
~ ~ ~ ~
August 9, 2007
Segment 1: "Union Activist Dolores Huerta."
Time: 28:59.
This segment, form the Pacifica Radio Archives series, From the Vault,
pays tribute to the life and work of labor organizer and activist Dolores
Huerta, co-founder with the better known Cesar Chavez, of the United Farm
Workers. From the Pacifica Web site: "It was she, as co-founder of the
United Farmworkers who helped awaken the sleeping giant of American food
production and give a human face to the anonymous workers in the field."
A detailed biography is available at the Dolores Huerta Foundation Web
site, http://www.doloreshuerta.org/dolores_huerta_foundation.htm
Segment 2: From the Archives: "Madame Nhu at the Women's Press Club."
Time: 4:51.
This archival audio is an exerpt from an October 17, 1963 talk by Madame
Ngo Dinh Nhu, the defacto first lady of Vietnam (her brother-in-law, President
Ngo Dinh Diem was unmarried) shortly before her husband and the President
were assassinated in a November 1, 1963 coup. Madame Nhu was in the United
States at the time and was not allowed to return to Vietnam; she and her
4 children lived in exile in France. Documents on the National Security
Archive Web site, http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB101/index.htm,
detail the role of the U.S. government in the coup. A controversial and
much vilified figure in her own right, Madame Nhu was widely widely referred
to as the "Dragon Lady."
3: " 1960s Mexican American Activists in Central Colorado."
Time: 25:20.
Much has been written about struggles for equality in the 1960s, particular
those of blacks and women. Sarah Parker, of KRZA in Alamosa, Colorado
chronicles another story, one of Chicana activists in Center Colorado
and their decades long struggle to bring about change in their community,
particularly change that would improve educational opportunites for
their children. This program was originally distributed by WINGS, Women's
International Newsgathering Service.
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
26, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "The Life and Times of Woody Guthrie." (2007).
Part I:
Time: 29:15.
Part II:
Time: 29:45.
Woody Guthrie was born July 14, 1912 and died on October 3, 1967. In this
documentary on Guthrie's life, the Pacifica Radio Archives' From the
Vault series brings together excerpts from the Archive's extensive
audio collection on Guthrie -- including interviews with Woody's wife
Marjorie, longtime friend Will Geer, best friend Beth Lomax Hawes, along
with classic music and interviews with Woody himself. For more information
on Guthrie, see: http://www.woodyguthrie.org/biography/biography1.htm.
2: "Alan Lomax and the Black Encyclopedia of the Air."
Time: 3:55.
Alan Lomax (1915-2002) and his father John A. Lomax were two of the most
famous ethnomusicologists in 20th century America. Together, they helped
discover, preserve, and disseminate the rich diversty of the world's and
America's musical heritage. Alan Lomax began recording blues and folk
musicians in the 1930s, recording many musicians and singers who later
became iconic figures in the world of blues and folk music. He recorded
blues musician Leadbelly and made some of the earliest recordings of Muddy
Waters. In 1941, he recorded Woody Guthrie's now classic Dust Bowl Ballads.
He also joined his father at the Library of Congress, where the elder
Lomax served as the curator of the Archive of Folk Song, and took on many
recording projects for the Library. During his life, Lomax also extended
his musical documentation efforts beyond the U.S.; he made recordings
in England, Spain, Italy, and the Bahamas. Many of Lomax's Library of
Congress recordings were later distributed by the Smithsonian Insitution
on the Folkways label. This recording -- an excerpt of a longer Voice
of America interview conducted with Lomax in 1969 by Joel Stone of the
Black History Radio Series -- describes one of the projects that Lomax
took on in 1968, the "Black Encyclopedia of the Air," a Ford Foundation-funded
project devoted "to make up for omissions in school curricula by way of
one-minute radio spots covering aspects of Black history and ethnography
in the form of 28 basic ideas of Black History." The series was aired
on 400 radio stations nationwide.
~ ~ ~ ~
19, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "5 Days in July: The Newark Riots of July 12-17,
1967." (2007).
Part I:
Time: 28:34.
Part II:
Time: 25:27.
5 Days In July, produced by Chuck Schultz & Esther Podemski,
is a special two-part radio production commemorating the 40th Anniversary
of the Newark Riots of July 12-17, 1967. It merges a radio drama, 5
Days in July, with commentary and a panel discussion that focuses
on and re-examines the historical events surrounding the riots in Newark,
NJ in 1967. Those riots "set off a tidal wave of racial unrest that swept
across our nation's cities in the summer of 1967. In Part One, Award-winning
playwright and Newark resident Tracey Scott Wilson dramatizes Newark's
five days of intense racial hostility, civil disobedience, and political
turmoil. In Part Two, Nancy Giles, essayist and commentator on 'CBS Sunday
Morning' moderates a panel of experts' examination of contemporary racial
and political issues, placing the Newark riot/rebellion in historical
perspective. For more information about the Newark Riots, see: http://www.67riots.rutgers.edu/n_index.htm.
2: "Riotous Music; Banned Music"
Time: 1:41.
The riots of 1967 and 1968 inspired a number of songs. Here are some segments
of a song that emerged from those violents years, Gordon Lightfoot's Black
day in July. Lightfoot wrote the song after the 1967 race riots in
Detroit. A year later, after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
on April 4, 1968, many major radio stations around the U.S. refused to
play the song -- afraid that the lyrics would ignite more violence. The
song first appeared on Lightfoot's 1968 album Did She Mention My Name.
Similarly, Mick Jagger's Street Fighting Man -- stimulated by
Jagger's witnessing of an anti-war rally at the US embassy in London,
where mounted police charged into an anti-war crowd of 25,000 and by anti-war
and urban riots in the US -- was released in August of 1968 and was banned
from Chicago radio stations for fear that it would inspire violence from
the protesters at the Democratic Party National Convention held in Chicago
of that year.
~ ~ ~ ~
12, 2007
Segments 1 and 3: "From the Vault: Rachel Carson and Silent
Spring." (2007).
Part I:
Time: 26:42.
Part II:
Time: 23:57.
From the Vault, Pacifica's weekly series that highlights Pacifica
Radio Archive's extensive audio archival holdings, paid tribute recently
to noted scientist and writer Rachel Carson in this 100th birthday rememberence
of her life and legacy. For more information about Carson and Silent
Spring, see: www.rachecarson.org.
2: "Ronald Regan, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), and HUAC."
Time: 3:05.
On October 23, 1947, Ronald Reagan joined a number of other Hollywood
actors, writers, and producers to testify as a "friendly witness" before
the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC). He spoke specifically
about the Screen Actors Guild, of which he had earlier that year been
elected president, and activities of Communist party members within
the Guild. This is a short edited selection from Reagan's testimony.
For a transcript of his complete testimony, see: http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/episodes/06/documents/huac/reagan.html.
For a good overview of the Screen Actors Guild and the Hollywood blacklist
during the early Cold War, see: http://www.cobbles.com/simpp_archive/linkbackups/huac_blacklist.htm.
~ ~ ~ ~
3: "Mickey Mouse: A History."
Time: 25:57.
In this 1989 documentary on the birth and evolution of the cartoon character
Mickey Mouse, the Voice of America examines the changing persona of
Mickey over the years.
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